According to Ziad Daoud, Dubai-based chief Middle East economist for Bloomberg Economics. “Lifting the ban on driving is likely to increase the number of women seeking jobs, boosting the size of the workforce and lifting overall incomes and output,”
It further reads, “But it’ll take time before these gains are realized as the economy adapts to absorbing growing number of women seeking work,” he added.
Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih said ending the ban means “women will be more empowered and more mobile and I think they will participate more in the job market over time, so I think it’s going to contribute to employment of females in Saudi Arabia.”
As per the media report, only 20 percent women are active in economically active, whereas 42 percent women are actively participating in neighbouring countries of Saudi Arabia as per the data recieved by 2016. To mearge the gap, the lifting ban can be useful.
Source. Economic Times, Bloomberg-economics